



我要能正常吃三餐的   ^  ^"

我要價錢平易近人唷!        ~> " <~

我要符合有運動習慣者的     ^____^P







我要適合懶得動滴!      ^   ^"

我要適合坐OL      ︸_︸

我想改善〃嗯不出來的窘境〃     *@︿@*

我要專為家庭主婦量身訂作的       …(⊙_⊙;)…

還有!還有!我是學生,該怎麼減    ::>_<::

最重要的是!我們要安全不傷身、不拉肚子的     (最好要有健全的檢驗報告)





我     想偷偷減      不想讓人知道的       >"<||||







諸如此類的     還有我們想不到    卻是您渴望的?快點留言給我們吧!










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Tailored Production to Awake Your Gracile Body Curves

Brief Introduction to Essence Capsules


—Deng Zhi Ting

- Made of essences extracted from the natural plants recorded in The Classic of Roots and Herbs by Shennong after purification, incorporating the latest biological technologies;

Refined and tailored to you as modern people live a busy life, have three meals a day at irregular time with engorgements and suffer from lack of exercises and sleep, leading to abnormal metabolism.

- No need to control your appetite: it allows you to continue your normal diets while promoting your sense of glut and reducing your intakes of calories. At the same time, it can moderately promote the metabolic processes in your bodies, thus permitting you who want to be gracile to enjoy your food relaxed under the natural condition of no sense of hunger.

- This product contains many kinds of natural trace elements, proteins and vitamins, enabling you to sustain your beauty and health.

- It contains no chemical ingredients or western medicines absolutely (the latest testing report on this report is attached for reference) and produces no side effects. You can eyewitness the feelings that you possess a light and slim body without difficulty!

(Made from Natural Herbs with a History of 100 Years)



Brief Introduction of Dietary Course That Makes You Gracile


- Continuous taking of this product for 20 days constitutes a dietary course, and better effects will be achieved if the taking of such capsules is suspended for seven days, followed by another dietary period.


- Not applicable: pregnant women, women in lactation period, children under nine years old and patients suffering from diabetes and heart diseases.


Obesity is a root cause of diseases, while health is priceless!

(The information contained in this article is only available to distributors for reference and does not constitute medical instructions. Circulation of such information is forbidden to avoid infringements of fake products)


Brief Introduction to Purely Natural Fruit and Herb Tea

-         Incorporating many kinds of natural herbaceous formula, this product can promote human peristalses, moisten and soften excreta, thus making excretion easier. Such product can also favorably absorb water in intestines to contribute to intestinal completeness.

-         Generally, modern people suffer from imbalanced intake of diets, which easily leads to intestinal obstruction and further to impacted bowels. So if we pay attention to environmental protection in our bodies and keep our bodies light and relaxed, we will have no trouble in our health.

-         Containing no purgative ingredients, it doesn’t take water away from our bodies. Therefore, it will not make us have the sense of prostration or asthenia. Continuous intake of this product will achieve better results with intestinal smoothness and open bowels.



Correct Dietary Usage:


1.      Take two Essence Capsules before breakfast and one capsule before lunch (applicable on the first three days).

2.      Take three Essence Capsules each time before breakfast (applicable on the fourth to twentieth day.) (Persons who do not suffer from hypertension may choose the 1. or 2. alternatively).

3.      Fruit and Herb Tea should be taken within 10 minutes after supper. (For better effects, persons of weak and cold habitus may take ginger tablets or one longan as supplements). Persons who take Essence Capsules are forbidden to make and drink Fruit and Herb Tea in the daytime.

4.      Plain boiled water of 1500cc-2000cc is necessary as supplements in the daytime. (Cold drinks are forbidden.)




Essence Capsules + Fruit and Herb Tea (Natural Herbaceous Plant)


Essence Capsules:


☆ This product has been insured with ShinKong Insurance Co., Ltd for NT$ 36 million.

☆ This product has been internationally accredited by CNLA. Testing Accreditation No.: CNA-ZL01066



Purely Natural Fruit and Herb Tea:


☆ It has been insured with ShinKong Insurance Co., Ltd for NT$ 36 million.

☆ ISO9001 Quality Assurance Certification has been obtained for this product.



Manufacturing Flows:

Cleaning of raw materials → drying → pulverization → mixture in proportion → packaging →quality control →finished product







Data directly from the network translation, if there is an error, please refer to the Chinese version of the content.

Reference site


Tailored Production to Awake Your Gracile Body Curves

Brief Introduction to Essence Capsules

—Deng Zhi Ting

- Made of essences extracted from the natural plants recorded in The Classic of Roots and Herbs by Shennong after purification, incorporating the latest biological technologies;

Refined and tailored to you as modern people live a busy life, have three meals a day at irregular time with engorgements and suffer from lack of exercises and sleep, leading to abnormal metabolism.

- No need to control your appetite: it allows you to continue your normal diets while promoting your sense of glut and reducing your intakes of calories. At the same time, it can moderately promote the metabolic processes in your bodies, thus permitting you who want to be gracile to enjoy your food relaxed under the natural condition of no sense of hunger.

- This product contains many kinds of natural trace elements, proteins and vitamins, enabling you to sustain your beauty and health.

- It contains no chemical ingredients or western medicines absolutely (the latest testing report on this report is attached for reference) and produces no side effects. You can eyewitness the feelings that you possess a light and slim body without difficulty!

(Made from Natural Herbs with a History of 100 Years)

Brief Introduction of Dietary Course That Makes You Gracile

- Continuous taking of this product for 20 days constitutes a dietary course, and better effects will be achieved if the taking of such capsules is suspended for seven days, followed by another dietary period.

- Not applicable: pregnant women, women in lactation period, children under nine years old and patients suffering from diabetes and heart diseases.

Obesity is a root cause of diseases, while health is priceless!

(The information contained in this article is only available to distributors for reference and does not constitute medical instructions. Circulation of such information is forbidden to avoid infringements of fake products)

Brief Introduction to Purely Natural Fruit and Herb Tea

-         Incorporating many kinds of natural herbaceous formula, this product can promote human peristalses, moisten and soften excreta, thus making excretion easier. Such product can also favorably absorb water in intestines to contribute to intestinal completeness.

-         Generally, modern people suffer from imbalanced intake of diets, which easily leads to intestinal obstruction and further to impacted bowels. So if we pay attention to environmental protection in our bodies and keep our bodies light and relaxed, we will have no trouble in our health.

-         Containing no purgative ingredients, it doesn’t take water away from our bodies. Therefore, it will not make us have the sense of prostration or asthenia. Continuous intake of this product will achieve better results with intestinal smoothness and open bowels.

Correct Dietary Usage:

1.      Take two Essence Capsules before breakfast and one capsule before lunch (applicable on the first three days).

2.      Take three Essence Capsules each time before breakfast (applicable on the fourth to twentieth day.) (Persons who do not suffer from hypertension may choose the 1. or 2. alternatively).

3.      Fruit and Herb Tea should be taken within 10 minutes after supper. (For better effects, persons of weak and cold habitus may take ginger tablets or one longan as supplements). Persons who take Essence Capsules are forbidden to make and drink Fruit and Herb Tea in the daytime.

4.      Plain boiled water of 1500cc-2000cc is necessary as supplements in the daytime. (Cold drinks are forbidden.)

Essence Capsules + Fruit and Herb Tea (Natural Herbaceous Plant)

Essence Capsules:

This product has been insured with ShinKong Insurance Co., Ltd for NT$ 36 million.

This product has been internationally accredited by CNLA. Testing Accreditation No.: CNA-ZL01066

Purely Natural Fruit and Herb Tea:

It has been insured with ShinKong Insurance Co., Ltd for NT$ 36 million.

ISO9001 Quality Assurance Certification has been obtained for this product.

Manufacturing Flows:

Cleaning of raw materials → drying → pulverization → mixture in proportion → packaging →quality control →finished product


Fei Lai Chang Qing coffee retail price: NT $ 1,680

This product have taken out insurance $ 36 million of Sunbeam products

This product has taken the initiative submitted no melamine consumption-the peace of mind

This product contains a variety of herbs formula, by the most advanced biotechnology, extract its essence, and developing it, promoting

Intestinal motility, excreta moist and soft, easily eliminated from the body, good for adsorption of water, and thus help the intestinal integrity.

People today generally unbalanced dietary intake, easy to make intestinal occlusion-derived defecation is not smooth, so if environmental protection has done well in the body, whole body-Shu

Poor health didn't worry, this product does not contain any laxative of Western medicine, will not drain the body of water, so there will be no collapse powerlessness,

Often eat this food, causes the intestinal smooth, normal stool, promote metabolism.

Featured ingredients: selection of low-fat plant-dairy creamer, mocha, green beans and green margin, wood sugar alcohol acid, and cactus

Extract, yellow Lo highlights of taking.

Recommended dosage: depending on the individual physical changes, half a day to a pack.

Notes: 1. Pregnant women, breastfeeding, heart disease, child care, stomach diseases does not apply.

2. is subject, daily consumption not exceeding 12 mg.

3. If after the coffee couldn't sleep conditions, to a morning tea drinking so as not to affect sleep quality.


Posture us fiber MUI retail price: NT $ 1,500

This optical insurance products have taken out a new $ 30 million

This product can promote intestinal peristalsis. Easily eliminated from the body, increasing the sense of full. Beneficial moisture adsorption, help intestinal integrity, the excretion

Comparison of wet soft; time use of the product, give your good spirit, aerobic color every day.

Component Description: Huang Jinmei: promote the secretion of saliva, fluid to quench their thirst.

Luo Mengguo: the most natural and most herbal suppresses appetite.

Tomorrow: there are several vitamins, regulating physiological function.

Lactic acid bacteria: help intestinal peristalsis, changing bacteria cluster state.

Ears of Cassia: making stool soft and easy to discharge, smooth defecation.

Pu-Erh tea: makes smooth passing, full of beans.

Brief introduction to the food drive: use the product for 30 days, for a fresh way, stop 5-8 our food drive wonders, stop eating day not eating high-calorie foods.

Weight control food law: one in the after dinner, do not eat snacks between meals and meals.

Defecation is not smooth consumption law: after a meal a day after eating, cooking 300cc drinking cold water




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